Friday, March 16, 2007

The Things

It's 4:50 in the afternoon. 10 more minutes before the office hour ends. I've wanted to write about something but i just don't know where to start. a lot of things happened lately, around me, around malaysia, around the world.
things like, my work place was just audited by 'XIGHIM' yesterday. and how we all worked hard to prepare for that bloody thing. sleep deprivation, a lot of yelling and depressed souls.

And there was this Linda onn and Star Movie-red carpet thing, where i find it quite amusing for most of the journalists and those in the business were all like in unison whacking and banging her, calling her act as 'divarism' and how unprofeesional she was for rejecting Radzuan's baju kebaya ,thus refusing to do the interview. As someone from the 'outside', i say we have to question the other part's professionalism as well for making a very last minute change and would not budge for even an inch.

And then of course, the 'women bloggers are unemployed and liars' thing. This put a smirk on my face. too tired to be angry and not at all .. funny. Fine, call me an unemployed liar for who the f**k cares. most of the women bloggers on my link are all professionals with a degree and a handsome-above-the-malaysian-average income.
Now who's the liar here?

Oh Come on sir, grow up.. everyone by now should know that we are living in a world flooded with infos. Yes, admittedly not all infos are reliable because anyone can write anything and can pretend to be anyone online. Who knows, that this naa might actually be the Queen of England who pretends to be what she's not? Our duty is to educate the public to be selective and to be smart and not to blindly believe everything they see and read. And i don't think so this should be done by calling other people names or accusing them of spreading lies. and certainly not by banning things. How pathetic some people can be..

And then there was the rat race for As among our secondary school students. Well, i don't think we should condemn them students.instead, i think it's about time someone has to do something about the education system in this country. When I read in the papers about htese kid s getiting lots and lots of As.. i would think back of my own SPM result. My result was nothing to be proud of compared to the kids' today. But i have to say i really enjoyed my schooldays.. with all those extra activities and living in a boarding school made it more fun than ever. It's not that living in a semi prison environment was fun, but living with the 'inmates' were. Because back then, the race was not that bad. Although the headmistress kept saying that we were 'creme de la creme', we didn't really care... we studied yes, but we didn't forget to have fun.
People tend to forget that a good education is not measured by only how many As do u get in ur exams. As are good , no doubt, but there are things greater than that. What about the quality of the As?.. if those As scorers can survive in the unis and in the real world without someone spoonfeeding them , telling them what to do and how to succeed, giving them step by step manual on how to live their life.. then, i shall rest my case. I shall say, 'The As are good, our education system is excellent.'

This brought me back to my memory a month back when I went to send my niece to her school after the CNY break. She was one of the top student in her primary years and always scored straight As in her exams. As expected, she got straight As for her UPSR. What she didn't expect was, she was not accepted into my alma mater , which she wanted to be in so badly. Nevertheless, she was offered a place in a local boarding school back in our hometown. This is supposed to be a very good school. My niece is the 3rd batch. The school only accept straight A students in.

The thing that bugs me is.. i think they only prepare their students for the major exams, SPM and PMR that is... The school really concentrates on producing straight A students. Their facilities were very modern and up to date but they only care about getting more and more As. The sutdents go to school only to get more and more As!
They don't have to clean their rooms nor their showers and toilet because the makcik cleaner will do that for them. They don't have to wash their clothes because there is a laundry service available. It made me worry. What if the only thing my niece is going to learn after 5 years is only how to study? I remembered we had to scrub the glass doors of the living room every sunday during the house cleaning. we had roasters to do chores, daily and weekly roasters. It was not that fun, but it helped. All those house meetings and cleanings taught us how to live in a community.
I hope my niece's school authorities will realize soon that education is not just about getting straight As.

And one more thing. About me getting transfered to Selangor. I am quite surprised to find myself feeling bad and sad when ithink of leaving Pahang.

I hated the people who sent me to Pahang almost 4 years ago. But now, i have to thank them for sending me here. for here, in pahang was where i

found my love who now is my husband

gave birth to my darling angel.

became in charge of an organization, although not that big, to think that the people in pahang actually trusted me to lead a team is really an honour to me.

i hope selangor will aso be a good place to live in.


Anonymous said...


so glad to hear that u are moving to selangor. where in selangor, have u decided? have you guys looked for a house? when are u coming over next?

this is good news.

Naa said...

i have decided .. but u see.. i am the 'ýang menurut perintah' one.. my decision doesn't really matter. nak kena tiup2 sikit the boss so that i can get the place that i want. i'll email u the details later ok. btw, i am supposed to report duty on april 2nd .. that's only 2 weeks from now. berdebar seh...

umeboshi said...

naa...welcome to s'gor!! nanti bila free dan ada chance, bleh kita gathering ..take care!

Naa said...

tq noora, boleh, boleh.

Anonymous said...

Naa,,Welcome to Selangor..dah kimeta ke nak bermaustatin kat mana. ..Any way...gambatte for the new assigment.or the new place ..