Monday, May 14, 2007

Kurang Ajar!

Is there any word in English which gives the same meaning as the title above? The word rude did come across but I don't think it is strong enough to describe the emotions involved. Insolence? Maybe..

This story is about a one very 'kurang ajar' patient of mine.
'Kurang Ajar', directly translated means 'not having enough education'
I don't know whether he was a bad student or his guardians or parents who whoever they are, slept on their job.

The out come was this one kurang ajar young man.

I know we're not supposed to talk about patients, we have to keep the secrecy , but this one, is not really about his health condition nor about his social status, but his attitude.

He was very rude towards the counter staff, he did not cooperate during examanations, he gave different answers to the same questions when asked twice, he didn't want to listen to explanations regarding his conditions, he just wanted us to do what he ordered! And the way he talked was so damn rude i felt like punching him in the face and kicking him in the ass. If only I lost my professionalism at that time and purposely mistreated him..
that would be one very painful event for him, Payment for being very kurang ajar to us. Thank God, my sanity never left me even for one second. Kalau tak.. naya ..

Come on la, You may call me a government servant, but I am NOT YOUR SERVANT, OK!


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