Monday, January 28, 2008

In Honour of Our Friendship

I don't usually do tags just as I never pass any chain mail no matter how gross the mail say the consequence would be if I refuse to pass it on.. I just refuse . Mmm... no wonder I haven't got any luck with money all this while.. hmm???
But Astrid, this one is for you .. and I am still thinking whether to do the other tag or not.. too long lah dear..

WHAT IF.....

1. If you can turn back time,when it will be?
No thanks.... I don't have the energy to repeat all those things that I went through..

2. If you can undo things, what it will be?
that would be changing history.. o, i can't do that..

3. If you could go anywhere in the world,where it'll be?

4. If you could see anyone,everyone...who do u want to see/meet?
My former teachers in primary. Cikgu Ow Kam Weng , Teacher Hanizah, Sir Para, Cikgu Nik.... to name a few.. I think I haven't thank them yet..

5. If you have one wish,what it will be?
To .. hey.. maybe you should ask "if you have one wish to be granted" instead ..

Of Blogs and Blogging

Do you blog?

I do. ( duh... you're reading mine, silly..)

Some friends still don't see the purpose of people blogging. Some make blogs as their personal diary, some make it as their traveling notes, some just use it to burst their thoughts of anger and maybe anguish? into words.. some just want to brush up their writing skills ( I fall into this category) and thousands other reasons..
but whatever the reasons may be, blogging also means you are going public about your private life. Except of course if you choose to make ur blog a private blog where only people you trust can read yours. mm.. maybe I should consider this option later..

The question is... how public can one be? or how private should u keep yourself?

My niece who just started friendster said that she purposely didn't upload any of her pics nor any infos that could lead to her real self in the real world. She's using pseudos which I on the other hand think it defeats the purpose of using friendster for I'm using it to get connected to friends whom I know in the real world. I don't simply accept people I don't know as friends.

As much as I want to tell the world how lousy I felt when things are not quite right with my husband and I.. or how I really want to blog about this certain people who just made my blood pressure shoot way beyond acceptable range, I still refrain myself from doing so in every tiny detail like some people do,... for fear of well.. being too private and too real.

I don't know..
mm maybe I'm just not comfortable when someone in Brazil knows if my husband said something very romantic yesterday, or someone in Russia is reading about how sore my breast is after pumping 2 pint of milk.. (2 pint? gosh..)

These are too private for me to share with you. i can tell you a bit about my life, a bit about my work, and ..

a lot about my thoughts.. this is after all is... a world of my thoughts.

and not a world of my real world...

I don't know, this is me and I am not the same as you

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year,1429 H

So, we have survived 10 days of the new Gregorian year. What have you achieved so far? How changed your life has been compared to 2007?

Mine has been quite a 10-days.

First, there was this sex scandal of our minister, which did become one of the juiciest and most talked about in the office. We were surprised that he was still , well, you know, sexually active and the length of 55 minutes was definitely an indication of a sexually very healthy 60 years-old.

But, before the day ended, once again we were surprised to hear his announcement of resignation.

Yes, it was bad of him to engage himself in something horny like that but I still think he made a very good health minister because he really understands the ever so complicated Ministry of Health, in and out. A few of my bosses who has been working at the ministry decades before me also expressed their regret that he had to go because he was to them, the best Health Minister so far. He has served the ministry as a medical officer before and he knew what it was like to work under the ruling of someone who knows very little about the ministry but get the power to make decisions for us.

I think Ministry of Health is one of the most complicated Ministry in the country and one of the most difficult to handle and it needs a damn smart minister to handle it.

Alas, Dr Chua was not as politically smart as those who sent him down, thus he became a victim of the Malaysian political war.

Not long after they managed to remand a few guys for the sex dvd of our former minister, another pervert was reportedly lurking near the ladies in our block. It happened to one of the clerks in our department. It was about 3 in the afternoon when she went to the loo to ease her gall bladder. Suddenly she saw a hand holding a digital camera coming from beneath the toilet door she was in.

And how panicked she was, only she and God knows.

How would you feel if the same thing happens to you?

Why on earth would anyone wants to snap pictures of people peeing??

How low can one go??

One thing that refuse to go low is of course the price of goods.

One week into the new year we are already out of cooking oil. Definitely there are culprits who are hiding the goods from the public for their own benefits. I wonder what sort of problems we have to face when the Chinese New Year comes. I can imagine the price of chickens and certain veges shooting sky high. And the government will do the annual event of promising to do this and that and then everything will be forgotten as time passes and resurface again when the election is just around the corner.

But of course 2008 is not all about scandals and perverts. There are good news too, you know. Well, the housing allowance has been raised although to an amount that is still considered absurd judging on the current rent rates especially in the Klang Valley, still, it helps.
And the best news is, the raise of the critical allowance! Yay!!! Hip-hip, hooray!!!!

And today, on the new year for Muslims, I wish there will be good things ahead for everyone.

As much as I love the idea of being free to say things that you have in mind, I loath all people who never thought of what effects do their words have on others. I despise to see people go crazy and start killing or tormenting each other for the sake of say, freedom of speech or equality.I still want to enjoy going to the mall without worrying of booby traps or being shot or blown up by suicide bombers.

Lets just face it o' humble subjects of kingdom of Malaya, there will never be strict equality for everyone. We just can't have it all, can't have it all...... Who in their right mind would think that things will get better if we change the government? I truly doubt it. Well, things will definitely change, but for better or for worse, that is too subjective because no government in this world is supported by it's people, 100 %. So, there will always be people who won't be satisfied, there will always be people who grumble. And the cycle will go on and on and on and on........

Anyway, Salam Ma'al Hijrah y'all.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008



Scrolllock and associates
would like to wish everybody a very happy new year and may this year bring
lots and lots of joy to all.