My sisters gave away most of the uncooked meat to our neighbours. But since most of the neighbours also sacrificed cows and goats.. we got back almost everything that we gave away. Nevertheless, it was a good thing to do I guess.
The main chef whom i fondly call "kak" had the worst headache of a life time after eating her own 'gulai kambing'. I took her blood pressure reading and it was disturbingly high. 168/110. OMG! No wonder ... She was down ,sleeping for the rest of the day..
This is Kak, preparing the meat to be given to our neighbours
My brother in law and his daughters. Very rajin.
My husband savouring a goat's mandible. Complete with teeth.
Kari kepala Kambing
A few weeks before that, my lovely daughter was diagnosed with 'head-lice'. gross.. we tried 'A-lice' shampoo. It worked for a few days. But after one week, the nits re-appeared. We shampooed her hair again with the same thing. Still, her lice were very stubborn . as stubborn as she could be at times.
My whole family was very relaxed to hear the news that my daughter has lice on her head. Her cousins even enjoyed looking for her lice and nits.
But my husband and I hated the whole lice and nits thing.
We decided to shave her head. My husband once had a friend whose hair was so full of lice that her scalp was always red and smelly. Of course, we don't want that to happen to our daughter.
But,our daughter has one of the shortest attention span I ever knew.
The result is this.
Her cousins, enjoying the 'kutu' hunting.
We tried again. Much better this time..
Then my husband decided to shave his head. He said 'teman anak'..
And guess what, a few days later, I followed suit. Oh yeah.. believe it or not.. I had the shortest hair style ever ...Only a few mm longer than Sinead -O- Connor. My husband said I look like one of those monks from Tibet. Amazingly, at the time I am writing this .. ( it took me almost three weeks to write this entry for I was busy preparing reports and plan of actions for my department) my hair has grown to a considerably decent lenght.
Syasya.. don't hate us for doing this. We Love You! and ur hair will grow back! Promise.
Consider it as our korban for this year's eid-adha.
YEP we had a few experiences with the pets on the head thing. I was horrified also. People with kids acted like it happens to everybody at least once. They gave us helpful hints (you have to get all the pillows & sheets hot- in a hot dryer or out in the sunshine- to kill any there. Shampoo a 2nd time one week later because the new generation has just hatched out. Mayonnaise on the head supposedly kills them). Your blog cracks me up; you are a brave blogger. Your work should give you a BIGGER prize if you are a big person (or you could try telling them that, anyhow)
mayonnaise? woa.. i'll try that if the lice strikes again. thank u moe. btw, if u think my blog is brave, i suggest u go and read the other worlds listed on my blog links.
syasya kawiiii nye...!!
tq noora.. mestila.. heheh.. tengok mama dia sapa...
kawaisoo Shasha kena korbankan rambut...heheh...Nisa pun kena masalah yg sama. Hantar kat taska macam tu lah.Kalau sorang kena yg lain pun terkorban sama. Tapi sayang pulak nak shave rambut dia..Mmg separuh nyawa ummie & ayah dia buat projek pembersihan..Alhamdulillah sekarang dah okey. :).
Upss..nanti aku nak update koneyr blog dalam link ek..buat masa nie tak boleh Sebab sejak transfer ke BETA aku takleh nak touch html code.
memang unversal problem ek kutu ni.. kalau syasya besar sikit lagi tak de la botakkan kepala dia ... tapi dia ni degil sangat.. tak nak dok diam. nak muntah cari kutu ..
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