Monday, April 30, 2007

K. Pi in the News.

I was flipping thru the Sunday Star yesterday when I came across this article.

Blogging on


Lately, Malaysian bloggers have been on the receving end of bad press. Sadly, the work of a few bad apples has given the millions of other bloggers a bad name.

There are some, like the ones I will share, who despite the turbulence in the blogsophere, keep at what the love most: To share their stories.

Pi Bani, of ‘Pi’s Twist’

Pi Bani, 44, is one gutsy lady. Having been a volunteer with The Buddies Society of Ipoh for three years, Kak Pi, as she is fondly called, started her blog early March to share the stories of her work.

The Buddies Society is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) providing moral and emotional support to People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Besides sharing her experiences, Kak Pi also writes her blog “to reach out to more people to enlighten them about the plights PLWHA’s”. She also hopes to slowly debunk the social stigma that comes with it.

By profession though, Kak Pi is a certified Company Secretary.

“I now work on flexi-hour basis with a friend of mine in a company providing secretarial, accounting and management services,” she says, adding that she is happy with the arrangement as it gives her time to indulge in her voluntary service.

Through her writings, people are able to read about the little triumphs that PLWHA’s achieve in the face of struggles, and their unfortunate treatment by some members of society.

So guys,  click on her name ( she's on my link list) and read for yourself what wonderful things this lady has done and still doing. You too , can make a difference.

1 comment:

ruby ahmad said...

Hi Naa,

Pi is one special lady. I am proud to be her friend indeed. What she's doing, I cant do. It is hard. It takes a lot of commitment and energy and love and care. She deserves the recognition.

Btw, sweetheart, did you receive my mail? Can you sms or mail me your current address? I wanna pass it to SG..he he. Loves.