Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My story for today

Time really does fly. It's been more than a month since my last post. It's not that I have no stories to tell, but I just couldn't find the time to do it.

Early March
I got my transfer letter from Pahang to Selangor about 3 weeks before the transfer date. Amidst all the excitement, my daughter got 'poxed by chicken' .. chicken pox laa.. A week later, she generously donated her varicella viruses to her mama. So, I had to bear all those itchy blisters for more than one week. And some of the marks are still visible especially on my forehead.

End of March
We moved to Selangor wth all our furniture and stuff. We rented a small single storey terrace house about 10 km ( via highway) from my husband's office. My daughter is so used to living in government quarters which were big and spacious, she kept saying 'nak balik' ( wanna go home ) for the first few days. We could have rented a bigger place but then, there were only the 3 of us. Plus, the rent is not cheap. 
For this house, we are paying RM 500 a month. And the house is I think just an 18 'x 65'. 

2nd of April
I reported duty to the state deputy director in Shah Alam.  I noticed that she always wear a smile on her face no matter what the situation was. Quite a friendly face for someone of a higher rank.  I was told to go to work in B town, which is about 42 km from where we are staying. My husband suggested that we move again to B town and he'll commute to work to C town. But I disagreed. B town is so far away and quite hot because it is quite near to the coastal area.

Well, I have been commuting for about 3 weeks now.  If I exclude the long commute, everything is just fine in this new place.

But secretly, I am waiting for another offer, that is to work in P town. The boss in P town gave the green light already but she is yet to issue the letter.  When the letter comes, then I'll kiss B town bubbye!  If any of you knows my current boss or staff in B town, please don't mention anything ok. Lets just wait for the letter from P town to arrive.

Till then, have a nice day!


umeboshi said...

Hai,Naa. sudah kat s'gor rerupa nye. ok la tu. ehehe.. eh, P town tu pun kat s'gor gak ke? Near to SA town? ganbatte ne.

Anonymous said...

i'll pray for your P town letter and transfer to be smooth. B town sucks! he he...

and when you are all settled we should have that 'girls only' thingy at my also tiny place :))

Naa said...

hehe.. SA town... taklah jauh sangat kot.. lam 45 minutes gitu..
sekarang semua orang dah dok kat klang valley ni taknak wat makan-makan ke?

jaunting juya
yela.. must pujuk my husband to let me go makan-makan sorang-sorang la.. sibuk nak ikut lah dia tah hapa hapa..
so, how was it the other night? what did u guys have 4 dinner?