Monday, December 18, 2006

between 'pullah' and 'biyyuk'

I am proud of bearing the number 11 in my IC number. Well, proud to be born in Terengganu that is. And I thought I am one hard core Terengganu citizen. But I will have to take that back for now I realized, at the age of almost 30, there are still a lot of things I don't really know about my beloved state. I just have to upgrade myself I guess .
It all started with this;

mom-in-law: Aku tengok, K.XXXX mung tu pullaaahh je nok tido sining

me: pullah tu mende mok?

mom-in-law: Pullah tu.. mmmm macang 'biyyuk'

me: (more confused than before) haaa??

I used to laugh at my Terengganu friend for not knowing
what 'jo-ong' (not Ju-on ok!) meant.
Now I know.. there are still more things to learn.

"mada-mada da naaa..." ( This one is in Japanese)

Those who wish to know the translation of what was being dicussed between me and my mom-in-law, can try ask other Terengganu bloggers who are definitely more expert than me like awang goneng or rangikangkering.


Anonymous said...

Hi Naa,

Welcome to blog-o-sphere.

I have inspired you to write? Waduh! I feel honoured and happy too.

Boy I can't make out that conversation. But hey, how wonderful our country is rich in its diversity.

Happy New year dear.

Naa said...

thank you k. ruby for stopping by!
this is an honour for me.. hehe.. really.
I have always wanted to write. But I know that I don't have enough talent and courage. But I still want to share my thoughts with the rest of the world. Then came your regular postings on our TKCOGA mailing list. Your entries really are inspiring and fun to read. I have to say, thank you!
( ni dah puji2 ni takde apa-apa ke? heheheh.. joking je..)

Watima said...

Pullah tu macam liat ke?
Biyyuk tu aku dok tau..
Jo-on pong aku dok tau gok... mung import maner basa teranung baru nie Na?

*Lama doh aku nok komen sining...hari nie baru bulih..

Naa said...

tq tima 4 ur comment. yelah tu rasanye.. lebih kurang gitu lah.. macang susoooh sangat nok wat sese mende tu. beloh tok tua aku vocab diorang power gile.. banyok hok aku dok tau.
jo-ong tu.. oloh.. dok kang dok tau.. mendung lah.. hari nok ujang.. komang mung.. heheh..

Anonymous said...

siket dok pahang. kabor gok siket. mende ju ong, pulaah, biyyuk tu?

Naa said...

hello geng! i'll try me best to explain. kalu dok pahang jugok, tera tanye orang laing la pulok.

pullah- macam susah nak buat something.. macam.. mmm liat kot..

biyyuk- similar to pullah.

eg: wakpe mung ni kalu sebut gi ngaji, pullah sokmo? ( Kenapa la bila kena gi ngaji liat sangat?)
Something like that la..

ju-on? - ini cerita hantu jepung..

jo-ong: mendung, ari nok ujang.