Monday, December 11, 2006

My prayers are for you, ayah.

After 8 days in the ward and 8 days in the ICU, my father in law passed away last Thursday, December 7th,2006.
The cause of death as stated on the death certificate was " multi organ failure secondary to lung sepsis" . All his children were there for the burial ceremony. How tough all of them were. I could only see pools of tears in their eyes. But none actually did cry. It must be very hard to stop yourself from crying when someone who is very dear to you leave you, never to return, forever.
His wife, children, cousins, relatives never ceased to leave his side during the 16 days of hospitalization. They continously read the Yaasin verse by his side, day in, day out. I think he must be one of the luckiest man on earth to have such a great family who was always there for him although they knew that hopes for him to get better was almost nil.
One of the specialist at the ICU was my cousin's daughter. She told me that there was nothing much that the hospital could do for him. When I told his family, one of the brother suggested they bring 'ayah' home. But bringing him home means cutting him from his life support machines- in meaner words- killing him. Because, at that point, most of his organs failed to function, except for his heart and brain. He was on dialysis machine and ventilator. And his heart- depended on 3 drugs administered to help it beat. The brother said it's not that he wanted to end 'ayah's life. He just didn't want to see him suffer anymore. He was the one who barely left 'ayah's side. He was there when 'ayah' struggled to breathe, he witnessed the painful look on 'ayah's face everytime the nurses had to change all the tubes. He just couldn't bear to look anymore. But the two sisters strongly opposed the idea. They didn't want to 'end' their father's life. At last , they all agreed to wait, and continued praying for him.
At the age of 61, 'ayah' died leaving behind a widow, 5 sons, 2 daughters, 4 daughter in laws, 9 grandchildren and countless family members and friends who love him dearly.
I hope 'ayah's soul will be in peace and blessed by Allah.
My prayers are for you, ayah.


moe said...

I am very sorry to read of your father in law's passing.

Naa said...

thank you for your concern moe. i appreciate your thought.